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Political misinformation, hate speech, attacks on independent media, internet shutdowns, gender and health misinformation have been on the rise in the APAC region. While social media platforms, fact-checking efforts and civil society interventions are growing, there exists a huge digital divide in terms of availability of infrastructure for people to access credible information and a knowledge gap in accessing digital opportunities.

In Depth

The region has been witnessing an erosion of democracy due to rising attacks on independent media, human rights violations, political and communal misinformation and internet shutdowns. Existing structural inequalities in the form of digital divide in access to the internet and information and marginalization along the lines of religion and gender are adding to the challenge.

Political misinformation

Political misinformation has posed a huge challenge to democratic processes and integrity of elections in the region. State-actors, media groups, and social media users have been responsible for spreading misinformation, thereby resulting in a lack of trust in the media.

Attack on independent media and censorship

Independent media and journalists in the region face the threat of being attacked with journalists and activists facing online threats. Freedom of media also faces obstacles in the form of censorship, surveillance and internet shutdowns in the region.

Hate speech and violence

Hate speech on online platforms has posed the risk of offline violence. In countries like Myanmar and India, hateful content against certain communities give way to hatred and violence.

Online threats and gender-based violence

Journalists, especially women journalists, and minority groups in countries are often targeted online through cyber attacks, harassment and disinformation to suppress their voices. Most of the time these attacks go unaddressed by the state or platforms. Exercising digital security practices becomes crucial, but most groups lack support and training in this front.

Health misinformation and myths

Hate speech on online platforms has posed the risk of offline violence. In countries like Myanmar and India, hateful content against certain communities give way to hatred and violence.

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