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Our Network brings together civil society organisations, independent media collectives, and grassroot activist groups and individuals working at the intersection of media and technology. We provide open access tools and networking opportunities for communities facing historic and systemic barriers in these fields.

What we offer

Virtual and in person events and conferences

Participation in virtual and in person learning events organized by the network. These are opportunities for partners to showcase their work and share strategies and best practices.

Structured learning opportunities

Trainings, workshops, courses in response to current and significant issues for Check Global partners. This is also an opportunity to exchange ideas and knowledge across Check Global regions and partners.

The Checklist

A weekly newsletter focusing on misinformation trends and updates from Check Global regions. The newsletter also highlights challenges specific to our regions and occasionally features the work of Check Global partners.

A weekly newsletter focusing on misinformation trends and updates from Check Global regions. The newsletter also highlights challenges specific to our regions and occasionally features the work of Check Global partners.

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Featured Projects

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We collaborate with non-profit organizations, creating open source technology to curate, annotate, fact-check, verify and debunk online misinformation.

Apply to join our network

We are currently accepting applications to join the Check Global Network for media and tech in emerging economies. Please fill in the webform below or email with your statement of interest.


Contact us to find out how you can become involved in Check Global, whether at the level of microgrant funding support, or for a more established relationship at partnership level.

Blog Posts

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