Meedan would like to proudly reintroduce the Check Global section of our website. This section is a labour of love that reflects our work, resonates with our values and those of our partner organisations.
Over the last few months our program team members have assembled a timeline and database of the Check Global program’s ten years of work with newsrooms, civil society groups and advocacy communities. The section is also updated to reflect our current work and collaborations with partners in the emerging economies of Asia Pacific, North Africa Western Asia, Sub- Saharan Africa and Latin America. You’ll find highlights from our team and groups that we work with and an introduction to people who make Check Global - our partner organisations as well as the program team members.
Screen grab from the Check Global page showing the regions we are working in.
As we complete ten years of Check Global’s work in 2021, we’ve taken an opportunity to develop our theory of change for this decade and make plans for the next. The website section houses our theory of change and also shares resources in the form of toolkits, articles and research insights.
All the work shared on the website is published under open access licenses and is available for download. Our designers have ensured that the design is simple and there is ease of navigation.
As the Check Global section goes live, here are some reflections from the team members who contributed to this section.
Dima Saber, Program and Impact Director
When we launched the current phase of the Check Global project in 2019, we started to discuss ways we could capture all the amazing work our program managers and partners have been doing across the North Africa Western Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Asia Pacific regions. We spent a substantial amount of time working through many design iterations, templates, infographics, maps and posts; we found it tricky to capture over ten years of work in a responsive web page which would be easy and straightforward to navigate. We are today very proud of what we have been able to create, this section is indeed a labour of love! We hope you like it, and we hope it will get you excited about our work and our great network of partners. Please do get in touch and tell us what you think of what you see!
Eric Mugendi, Program Manager, Sub-Saharan Africa
Having a dedicated Check Global section is a great opportunity to highlight not just the work that we do, but also the regions we have a presence in and what our respective partners are working on. This is a great opportunity not only to give them an additional platform to share their work with the world, but also to find potential partners in other parts of the world for potential collaborations and joint projects.
Screen grab showing highlights from our team and partners in Latin America.
Isabella Barroso, Program Manager, Latin America
It’s an amazing design effort to be able to capture the ten years of collaborations between our team and regional partners. The Check Global website was carefully created to communicate this work to our communities globally, and it showcases all of it in such a beautiful and informative way. It was a collective design in many ways, but its final form is a testimony to our design team’s ability to organize multiple needs. Looking forward to seeing the next iterations of Check Global work and how it will be shaped here.
Shalini Joshi, Program Director, Asia Pacific
The Check Global website is our effort to share the program’s story from 2011 onwards. It’s a story that has been created by our partners and team members; a story presented by our design team. A story that we hope you’ll find interesting and inspiring.
Sneha Alexander, Program Associate, Asia Pacific
The Check Global website is a testimony to the amazing work the program team members and partner organizations have been doing in different regions over the last ten years. While thinking of how to best present the story of Check Global, we reflected upon our contribution in the years gone and the time ahead of us. And, the story is about inspiring each other, finding solutions to complex problems and working together to make a difference.
Kipp Jones, Designer
Presenting a narrative that communicates to such a wide range of audiences, geographically and culturally, will always be a challenge. It has however been a real pleasure to collaborate on this new section of the website with the Check Global team. There was so much brilliant content for us to organise and visualise, reflecting the programs activities over the last decade.
Gisela Zuniga, Executive Associate
With our designer and Creative Director, I work informally as a Design Liaison for the rest of the Meedan team to project manage our internal creative work. Working collaboratively with the Check Global team to showcase their hard work over the years was so much fun to work on, as well as to integrate the collaborative nature of Check Global into the design through giving all of the amazing partnerships a big platform to shine.
We hope you will find the Check Global section on our website useful and will enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed working on it.
We collaborated with 53 partner organizations worldwide to design and carry out our 2024 elections projects. We extend special gratitude to our lead partners in Brazil, Mexico and Pakistan, whose work we highlight in this essay.

The 2024 elections projects featured in here would not have been possible without the generous support of these funders.