Join our community working toward a more equitable internet by contributing today.Your support helps journalists around the world access crucial tools, training, and context for fact-checking everything from global crises to local community news.
Meedan works in a unique space in the information sphere – by providing tools to people addressing, studying, and educating the public about misinformation, we inform the zeitgeist of internet culture.
We have built a network of passionate media creators, journalists, researchers and internet users all over the world who use our tools as a critical resource for tackling misinformation, and to build an infrastructure for safe and healthy information sharing. Last but not least, our team members have contributed to publications like The New York Times, MIT Technology Review, and The Atlantic to contribute thought leadership about consuming and critiquing media.
We have wonderful organizations supporting the work we do, but we invite YOU to support the Meedan mission. Make a difference in internet equity today, and consider making a monthly or yearly donation.