People in the UK began receiving a newly-authorized COVID-19 vaccine on Monday December 7, making the UK the first Western country to issue emergency approval of a vaccine and to launch a COVID-19 vaccination campaign. Was approval of the vaccine a political decision? Were scientists rushed by lawmakers? Who will receive the vaccine first and who is next in line? Join Dr. Seema Yasmin and Dr. Amile Inusa for an IG Live on Tuesday December (1 pm PT/ 8 pm GMT) to discuss these questions and more.

Dr. Amile Inusa completed her training in the competitive North Central Thames Deanery and also worked as a locum doctor for two years primarily in Paediatrics & Emergency Medicine. She studied Medicine at The University of Manchester and holds a Masters (MSc) degree in Healthcare Ethics and Law. With a wide range of medical interests from Paediatrics and Global Health to Medical Education and Genetics, she has sought research opportunities in these areas. In 2017, she founded a podcast called ‘Life After The Letters’. She has since transitioned her podcast into a media company in 2020 called ‘circa1948’ - aimed at serving the healthcare industry. Through this, she is able to pursue her interests and unique understanding of healthcare communication and partner management.

Dr. Seema Yasmin is an Emmy Award-winning medical journalist, poet, physican and author. Yasmin served as an officer in the Epidemic Intelligence Service at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention where she investigated disease outbreaks. She trained in journalism at the University of Toronto and in medicine at the University of Cambridge. Yasmin was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in breaking news in 2017 with a team from The Dallas Morning News and received an Emmy Award for her reporting on neglected diseases. She received two grants from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting and was selected as a John S. Knight Fellow in Journalism at Stanford University iin 2017 where she investigated the spread of health misinformation and disinformation during epidemics.